What type of tired are you?

Today we are talking about rest.

To those that go, go, go all the time, rest can feel like a bad word. But, in actuality it is not (obviously).

It’s productive to rest, not to mention that it is beyond necessary. 

The thing is when you are chronically ill, it takes more energy for your body to just function and sometimes it uses ALL your energy to do a simple task. 

Of course, energy fluctuations are normal, but with a chronic illness, those fluctuations can be more extreme and frustrating, tbh. 

What you may not know is that there are different types of tired - and the way you recharge differs depending on the type of tired you are.  🤯

So what are these types of tired and wtf are you supposed to do once you know what type of tired you are?

Let’s get into it…

The Types of Tired

Physically Tired

This one is self explanatory. Is your body exhausted? Are you drained? Lack focus or motivation? Feel like it is too hard to even get up? You may be physically tired. 

The remedy is active or passive activity. Active meaning light movement like stretching, yoga, massage or something similar. Passive meaning the most passive type of activity you can do…sleep.

Mentally Tired

If your brain is in overdrive often, it is going to get worn out (duh). Are you having difficulty chilling tf out, calming your mind down or falling asleep? Is it hard to shut down when it is time to rest? You may be mentally tired.

The remedy is to allow for more small mental breaks throughout the day, giving your brain some time to quiet down. It can also be helpful to jot down your thoughts throughout the day or before bed to calm a racing mind. That gets whatever is swirling around in your head out and onto paper, making it easier to turn your brain off. 

Spiritually Tired

This goes back to the natural human need for belonging, love from others and having a purpose. If you are lacking in these areas it can result in you feeling like nothing you do daily matters. Think going to a job you hate just for a paycheck or not having a community.

The remedy is to find a greater purpose in your life. This can be done by finding a community or uncovering what you are passionate about and doing that. Meditation, gratitude practices and giving back to others can also help fill your spiritual cup when it feels depleted. 

Emotionally Tired

IMO being emotionally tired and living with a chronic illness go hand in hand. When you are in need of emotional rest you may feel like a burden to others and/or suppress your own feelings. You may have the constant need to please others to show your worth. You may put on a front when you talk to others or find that you struggle to say no or advocate for your own needs. Take it from me, that shit is exhausting. 

The remedy is finding a space and people that you can be real and authentic with, one that you can share your inner experiences openly with others. To recharge, you can try being honest with someone you trust about how you are feeling or doing therapy.

Sensory Tired or Fatigue

It’s no secret that life is *stimulating*. There is a constant influx of sensory info. Sounds, clutter, sights, lighting, smells can all contribute to sensory fatigue. You may need sensory rest if you wake up as a positive Patty but become increasingly irritable and turn into pissy Patty by the end of the day. 

The remedy is simple - it’s quiet, alone time. You can try driving home in silence or try doing a task that you normally do with music in silence. Another option is to find a peaceful spot, close your eyes and just tune into your breath.

Socially Tired

If you are an introvert like myself, you know immediately what being socially tired feels like. That said it doesn’t just mean social outings as a whole. It also has to do with the people you surround yourself with and if they give you life or deplete you.

The remedy is to strategically schedule social events and take a look at your relationships to ensure they are supportive and meaningful. 

Creatively Tired

As someone who is constantly creating emotional and informative content, I experience this often. I know that when I’m particularly negative or having trouble experiencing and appreciating beauty in any form (think be in awe and wonder), that it is time for some creative rest. 

There are a few remedies for this type of tired. You can try creating inviting and visually appealing spaces at home, you know, ones that feel good to be in. That’s actually one reason I keep my office neat and it has things that bring me joy for decor. You can also try going out in nature. Try simply being instead of overthinking and analyzing your surroundings - just enjoy the beauty around you vs being bogged down by it. 

At the end of the day we all need rest, but the amount and type required varies person to person so there isn’t a prescription for rest that works for everyone.

Next Steps

This leads me to the importance of checking in with yourself throughout the day.

You can do this when you notice yourself having trouble controlling your emotions (when you normally don’t) or are experiencing feelings of exhaustion, fatigue, overwhelm or anger.  

Here are some questions you can ask yourself - 

How do I feel at this moment?

How are my energy levels specifically?

If they are low, where am I feeling particularly depleted?

How can I recharge effectively?

After your check in, take action and refill your battery. 

Like with anything new, figuring out how to recharge depending on the type of tired you are is a learning experience - one that requires trial and error on your part. You won’t know what fills you up until you try though, so get out there and give it a whirl. 

Happy charging! 


what to do When the dark days come calling


The Cycle of Life with a Chronic Illness