Lower Body Workout

Lower body workouts are my favorite. I’ve had issues with my legs in the past so I am all about strengthening exercises to keep them as strong (and as coordinated) as possible.

In case you were wondering, there are a ton of other benefits to strengthening your lower body...

  • Increases overall strength

  • Maintains function + stability

  • Prevents injury + protects bones

  • Boosts mood + relieves stress

  • Reduce joint pain

  • Increases cognitive function

  • Improves mobility, range of motion + coordination

Honestly, there are even more benefits than what is on this list. If you were on the fence about it, you should have all the proof you need to start a lower body exercise routine now!

The Workout

All the details you need for the workout are in the video below.

Just a few quick things:

Don’t forget to warm up and cool down for 5-10 minutes before and after. The purpose of a warm up is to get your blood moving and your muscles less stiff, so you can walk, do jumping jacks, bodyweight exercises, stretch, whatever you want. And, like the name says, the point of a cool down is to slow your heart rate and chill out - stretching the muscles you worked should do the trick!

Remember to listen to your body and do what you can, there is always time to do more in the future.



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