CHRONICALLY BADASS [Behind the Design]

While the meaning of the saying ‘chronically badass’ is obvious, the story behind the design is lesser known. 

For the days and years following my MS diagnosis I felt broken, damaged and like a burden. In short, my self worth took a nosedive. Like, bad. 

Granted it's normal, albeit, fucking traumatic to experience those feelings when your health is quickly stripped away from you.

Think about it - There are constant reminders that you are a different person now. All of a sudden you need to ask for help because you can't do what you used to how you used to. When you disclose your diagnosis a common reaction is one of pity followed quickly by immediate condolences in an attempt to comfort you. There are endless examples really, all of which reinforce the feeling of being broken. 

Then, to add insult to injury, society at large is no better - the ableism, the idea of being lesser than, dependent and incompetent, and the systems in place strategically crafted to hold those with disabilities back or to hide them. 

All of which resulted in myself, others, and society telling or showing me that I am indeed a burden. 


After years of feeling that way, I stepped back and looked at the big picture...

Navigating life with illness, day after day, chronically, forever, is full of ups and downs that require an immense amount of resilience, compassion, acceptance and agility. In reality, I and people with illnesses in general aren't dependent or lesser than, we are consistently dealt a shitload of challenges, some the average human wouldn't know what to do with. And, guess what? We are getting through them because we are just THAT badass.

So in actuality, we aren't broken, we are chronically badass

That reframe shifted my perspective on living illness from hopeless to empowering. It changed the course of my journey and relationship with MS. Hence the need to memorialize the statement Chronically Badass as a reminder for myself and anyone living with a chronic illness who they truly are.  And that, my friends, is chronically badass.

If you want to check out the apparel and accessories with the Chronically Badass design in the LIFT by Sam Shop, click the button or images below. :)


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