The Power of Experience

For a long time after being diagnosed it felt weird to wear MS shirts or go to MS events. I say weird but that’s because it is hard to pinpoint the exact emotions - shame, embarrassment, sadness, anger, a hefty dose of denial - it was a whole mix of stuff. Now, over a decade and a half later, I feel differently. 

Yes, all those emotions still exist, sometimes more often than I would like, but there are other emotions too -

There’s pride, gratefulness, strength, acceptance and dare I say peace (not all the time, obviously).

So you can imagine my delight when I made my tea this morning and there was the most applicable quote from James Russell Lowell on the bag…

One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.

Damn - it’s so accurate.

My MS experience has been a big ass thorn, for years and years, but it has taught me such valuable lessons too, like…

  • The importance of prioritizing my health. 

  • The sense of agency that is needed to thrive with illness.

  • The confidence to advocate for my health and wellbeing.

  • The not so subtle and frequent reminder that nuance exists and things are not black or white, especially illness. 

  • That two things can be true at once.

  • That I’m strong - I can (and have) made it through some legit shit and I’m still here.

When I look at the list, I can’t even count the amount of times I have heard people say these things. But I didn’t truly grasp the lessons until I experienced events that required me to prioritize my health, advocate for myself, and hold two truths at once.

Now, I believe these things with every fiber of my being.

While I could have done without the thorn that is MS, that experience shaped (and continues to) shape who I am. It made me a healthier person and shifted my perspective in ways I am forever grateful for.

All that said, I know I’m not alone in the lessons I have learned through my chronic illness journey.

I know that although the journey can be the absolute fucking worst at times and it can ALSO be the absolute fucking best.

I know that people with chronic illnesses, deal with some serious and often unimaginable things. But, challenge after challenge we make it through - that is something to always be proud of and empowered by because you are an absolute badass - don’t forget it!

Now it’s your turn. 

What has your illness taught you (if anything)?*

*It is PERFECTLY okay to not have anything to put. No one says you HAVE to learn something, but IF you do and you’re happy about it, recognize it’s impact on you and your life. 

What other experiences have you had in your life that taught you important lessons?

Write down what you have learned and how it has shaped your life with illness. Re-vist them whenever you are looking for a little boost. :)


As a little side note - if you are looking for a way to remind yourself what a fucking powerful badass you are, the LIFT by Sam Shop is coming soon!

It’s full of cute ass apparel and accessories to wear while you’re recharging on the couch or out with friends. All the designs are created by me and there are tons of styles and sizes. In the meantime time, check out the first 4 designs -


CHRONICALLY BADASS [Behind the Design]


How to Start Working Out