The Lift Collective Blog

Samantha Salvaggio Samantha Salvaggio

What Is MS?

In case you’re like me when I was diagnosed and don’t know what MS is - it’s an autoimmune disease where your immune system is triggered and incorrectly attacks your brain and spinal cord. The attack causes inflammation which turns the insulated and healthy nerves into fried wires that can’t transmit info.

For example, I’ve had inflammation in my optic nerve, which prevented the nerve from functioning properly and affected my eyesight.

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Samantha Salvaggio Samantha Salvaggio

My Diagnosis Story

First, hi there!

My name is Sam!

I am a straight forward chronic illness coach and personal trainer (more on that in future posts). I don’t sugar coat things or beat around the bush. In honor of that, I figured it would only be right to immediately jump into a BIG story about the time my life was forever changed…

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