How to Live with Illness + Fucking Thrive

Wow, living with a chronic illness can be a real treat. I hope you can sense my sarcasm in that statement.

Look, there is no way around it, living with an illness is a challenge. But, there is a way to do it and fucking thrive.

Try these 4 steps…

1 - Make it Accessible

There’s no shortage of shitty emotions when a chronic illness is involved, which means you need to seek out as many opportunities for positive emotions as possible. Make it a point to find things that are pleasant and accessible for you to do and do them!

By doing this you are focusing on the things you can do and things that bring you happiness. It’s a win-win. Make sure you stop and savor the joy it brings.

Then, set yourself up for success down the road by taking care of yourself now. That may mean making lifestyle changes to bring in more positivity in the future or processing your diagnosis so you can move forward. Whatever it is make it accessible and find joy where you can.

2 - Be a Badass

This one is kinda easy, since you know, you’re a badass already. BUT, it never hurts to be more badass.

Building up your badass-ness isn’t hard, all you need to do are things that make you feel competent.

This looks like picking the workout that is attainable based on how you feel that day vs one that is way too hard and going to leave you discouraged. By doing this you are combatting that terrible feeling of hopelessness. Think about it, when you can’t do something it’s easy to spiral into the darkness. By strategically picking something that you can do (which doesn’t mean it’s not challenging, its just not TOO challenging) you feel more confident and more sure of yourself overall.

Another way to achieve this is by keeping small promises to yourself everyday. When you keep that promise, you show yourself that you care about your wellbeing and you build trust and confidence in yourself. Don’t take my word for it, try it. Your badass-ness will reach new heights!

3 - Get Through the BS

This is your reminder that BS will happen. You will have a hard day. You may have a flare or relapse. You may have a friend say something offensive. It happens. LIFE happens.

The key is getting through it. Fine tune your coping skills and know which ones work when you are feeling all the feels.

Ask yourself what helps when you feel angry? Sad? Lonely? Write them down (or remember them) and whip those things out when needed!

4 - Live Well

None of the other shit matters if you don’t take care of yourself, PERIODT.

That looks different for everyone. It doesn’t need to be a big grandiose plans like workout 5 times a week, get 8 hours of sleep every night, meditate daily to reduce stress, and eat a strictly healthy diet. There is no need to go from zero to sixty, it doesn’t work long term anyway.

Look at areas of your life - physical activity, stress, sleep, and nutrition - and determine where improvements could be made. Then, decide on a small goal and work towards achieving it, slowly but surely.

Once that is on lock, pick a new goal to strive towards. Over time, these small goals will result in changes that add up and before you know it you are thriving more than ever before!

Life with illness is definitely different and complicated, but it doesn’t need to be miserable. Set yourself up to find joy, be badass, cope your way through and take care of yourself because you deserve it!


Infusion Day Tips


shifting behavior driven by emotions