Upper Body + Core Workout

I always rave about the benefits of strength training, like building overall strength, improving coordination, and promoting greater mobility. Not to mention my two favorite pros of moving weight around - it boosts your mood and confidence.

I, like many other people, love a good lower body day. Give me all the hip thrusts, squats and deadlifts please.

But, strength training is like life and requires balance.

You can’t only do lower body workouts!

Here’s an upper body and core workout that will help strengthen your chest, back, arms and core.


  • Make it work for you. Take the modification or make it harder. You know your body best.

  • The rep ranges and amounts to do each round are suggestions. Again, you do you.

  • Have fun!

*Disclaimer - the music is uncensored, so lower the volume if desired. Don’t worry, you wont miss any of the info by doing so!


shifting behavior driven by emotions
