Spaghetti Squash Pad Thai

A while ago I got out of the routine of cooking a legit meal for dinner. There are weeks or months like that with chronic illness, where normal routines get thrown off because of increased symptoms or whatever else.

It’s currently cold as shit outside - yes, I grew up in Ohio, but I’ve lived in NC for almost 15 years and I am a wimp now when cold is concerned. The freezing temps make me want soothing, warm food, especially at night. Thus, I have tried to do my best to get back on the dinner routine.

Starting to cook dinner after falling off isn’t easy though. I am the queen of procrastinating and making excuses.

This means the recipes I am making are easy and last for a few nights - that way I will actually cook them to begin with. And, I’m more likely to continue building the routine of cooking dinner because the actual act is not a long drawn out affair that I never want to do again.

I uncovered this recipe from the archives (aka my pinterest board of recipes I compiled years ago) and forgot how fucking delicious it was. I made it the other night and after a few bites I was like ‘I MUST PUT THIS ON THE BLOG’.

So I present to you….Spaghetti Squash Pad Thai.

As always feel free to adjust ingredients as needed. I often use recipes as guidelines and then sub in veggies that I already have to make it as easy as possible. So, you do you!



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Being Mindful When Working Out